Wednesday, December 26, 2018

2K Needs To Be Stopped

How The Grinch Stole Christmas: 2K Edition

Every person in the 2k community likes locker codes a lot.

But the Devs of 2k do not.

To be honest the devs (developers) just don't care about the community. There's no evidence of them caring. No evidence at all.

For the uninitiated, I will let you in on what has gone down.

S/o to the people responding to the 2k My Team Account on Twitter and the people of the 2K Reddit 

Yesterday there was a locker code released that gave users a Pink Diamond LeBron. Here's what his card from NBA 2K18 looked like for reference:

Now 2k players across the land whether a fan of LeBron or those who hate him for one reason or another will add him to their lineup. Or at least they would have. About an hour after releasing the card users went to their lineups to find their PD LeBron gone from the lineup.

Because 2k is the way they are this was of course done without an explanation.

We have officially reached a breaking point with 2k. By we I mean many things: everyone who has played 2k, everyone who loves playing basketball games, everyone who has spent money on 2k through micro-transactions whether it's for your park player, your my team or both, and people who want to be apart of a gaming community that isn't toxic.

2k continues to show how toxic they are.

Things just haven't improved throughout the years in many modes of the game.

To name just a few:

The Online Leagues just started working correctly, but those haven't been touched in years.

The parks are the same as they have been.

The delayers are still out there.

2k is focused on making money above all else. Who wants to play 2k on an iPad?

Now let's look at the issues with taking away the PD LeBron:

People used consumables to enhance their LeBron. What this means is players would add but aren't limited to adding:
  • Unlimited diamond contract (would always be available), unlimited diamond shoe (to make stats better, very possibly a three point shoe) various badges the LeBron may not of had.
The players that were lucky enough to get LeBron that had the foresight to add these things to their card are now without whatever they added to their PD LeBron. As a My Team player myself I can say when i know I'm going to use a card for a while I add things that I know I am going to want as soon as I can. 

The much bigger issue to me is just taking away the card like he never existed. 

Well, 2k, he did, and still does exist. Removing him now doesn't change that and it's not going to change that.

For all the players who did get PD LeBron. There's a pretty good chance that those are the players who would play the crap out of 2k regardless. That's just my guess, but my thinking is that if those players went out of their way to get PD LeBron than odds are they are going to play the game a lot anyway.

I say this because these are the players who will spend their (possibly hard earned) money and buy packs every time there's a new diamond/new promo out. That would be the group of players I wouldn't want to isolate if I am 2k. Especially if 2k is in the making money business, which we all know they are. That's where the bread is buttered.

A gamer can buy a good My Team. Spend enough on packs and your team will be good. Even with crappy pack luck they can put together a very good team. Some rubies are decent, but they aren't comparable to their diamond, pink diamond and galaxy opal counterparts. Theoretically, it's possible to grind on My Team through challenges, luck on locker codes, sniping on the auction house, etc. That seems to be a model that isn't quite as popular.

A gamer can buy vc to upgrade their My Player, but unless they spend hours upon hours grinding for badges they can only get so good and will only want to play park so much.

They did this on Christmas

I'm not going to sit here and say we deserve a free player on Christmas just because, but 2k, it was Christmas. Being in the same sentence as the Grinch isn't a place to aspire to.

Another issue is the 2k support/ social media help is nonexistent

Try filling out a support tickets. No, go ahead. See what happens.

It will be the same message everyone else who fills out a support ticket gets.

Not only will it not be worth anyone's time to send it in, but they don't even take the time to read the whole ticket. Skip those clicks on the keyboard.

Take a look at their official Twitter account

Yes, I too follow it to stay update on the new cards that are coming soon.

But if it wasn't for that the account would be 100% useless.

They hardly respond to comments/concerns/issues.

For those that play or played Fortnite, they had the Infinity Blade come out and about a day later they walked it back, essentially and said, "yeah our bad."

On the flip side we never get that from 2k. Today when 2k had a chance to apologize or explain or say anything. They let the world know that there's a new Diamond Kyrie Irving, Diamond Paul George, Diamond Bradley Beal and Amethyst Luka Doncic.

No mention of the PD LeBron. No mention of messing up.

They will even troll every now and then. It's honestly sad.

And above all else. I'm not surprised at all.

This is what 2k does.

They took the trophy for top virtual basketball game somewhere between 2009-2011. 2k9 is when they took the lead in my eyes.

Since then they have had a virtual monopoly on the basketball video game.

NBA Live hasn't been able to truly fight back even though it has improved from what it was. 2k even bought the NBA playground game before they could drop a sequel, which was an arcade game in the same vein as NBA Jam.

I can't say to stop playing the game. It's the best game around and I do enjoy playing basketball games even with all the issues. There are people that need to play the game whether it's for fun, or it's what they do for a living.

But to the people who can make their voices heard.

You know who you are.

The YouTubers, the streamers, to the content creators who play or have played 2k throughout their careers as a content creator. You are the people who I believe have the best chance at making something happen. 

It may be a long shot, but it's the only shot we have of saving this virtual basketball game.

Some of you have already made your thoughts known. Some of you have been banned for one reason or another and started a movement there.

This is different. This isn't against one person. This is against every single player in the 2k community, and we can't allow 2k to do this over and over and over.

Enough is enough. Let your voices be heard. Speak for all the people who don't have the platform(s) you do and help make the game fun again!

From someone who just wants 2k to be fun again

- Lance Morris

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